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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Activity #4-Go to Kangaroo Zoo

This week I was horribly sick and Aunt Kat came up and took the kids to Kangaroo Zoo; and she took them to Yogi Berry and the Dollar store to pick out their own toy. She even got a ton of cute pictures. Thanks Aunt Kat, you are a rockstar!!

Don't ya just love this little cheeser?!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Activity #3-Go to a Museum

Our week 3 activity was spent at the treehouse children's museum. Here is Maddie and Diesel dressed up like little red riding hood and the wolf.

Diesel trying to put on a puppet show.

This image, Maddie dressed up like something??

Making crafts for daddy.

I had to force them to do this!

Fun music center where they played on some drums.

Happy Valentine's Day!

We had a great heart day, even though dad was absent. He sent mom roses and some goodies and sweet letters and chocolates for the kids. They were so happy, but we really missed you!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Acivity #2-Go to the movies!

For this weeks activity, we went to see "Planet 51." It was pretty cute and Maddie really liked it. Diesel had a little more fun running around for the last 20 minutes of the show. They played air hockey and video games before.

At one point, they decided to get comfy on the yucky aisle floor.

Here are a couple pictures of Maddie and Diesel listening to daddy telling them a story before bed. It was much needed!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Activity #1-Family Sleepover

To help the kids keep track of the time that dad will be gone, we made a list of 19 activities and put them on the fridge; each one representing a week.

We went to Aunt Candace and Uncle Mat's house for dinner and watched "Night at the Museum 2." We ate treats and popcorn. Here is a picture that Diesel took-sorry to say that is one thing Maddie does once in a while (gross!)

So not the best picture, but the kids weren't cooperating much and they were super wild that night. In the morning, Uncle Mat made us yummy waffles, sausage and eggs. Candace and I read magazines by the fire while Mat played hide-and-go seek and guitar with them. Great hosts and great family:)